A PIN is included in your renewal notice, which we send in the month of expiry of your current disc (or current vehicle off-road declaration).
Your PIN is the last six digits of your Vehicle Registration Certificate Number when taxing a second hand (taxed before) vehicle.
Your PIN is the last six characters of your vehicle's chassis number (VIN) as printed on your RF100 form when taxing a brand new or imported vehicle for the first time.
You can also get your PIN by clicking here.
If your tax class is not listed you will need to contact your local Motor Tax Office to find out what is needed to tax your vehicle.
You can tax a commercial vehicle online as long as you have:
If you are taxing a commercial vehicle for the first time in your name you must do so at your local Motor Tax Office. You should contact them in advance to find out any supporting documentation that is needed. Motor Tax Office contact details can be got by clicking here.
First time Taxing will need to be done at the Motor Tax Office. The motor tax category of such vehicles is established at first time taxing in the Motor Tax Office
First time taxing will need to be done at your local motor tax office. The motor tax category of Youth Community Bus is established at first time taxing in the motor tax office via completion of a Youth & Community Bus declaration form.
We will post your tax disc within four working days of the transaction being done online. For first taxing of a brand new/imported vehicle we will also post your new Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC).
If you have any queries about this transaction, please use one of the following options:
You must apply to your local motor tax office for a replacement tax disc where the original has been lost (e.g. in the post) destroyed or damaged.
You must complete Form RF134, get it witnessed and stamped by a member of An Garda Siochána, and then send to that office. Form RF134 is available at your local motor tax office or by clicking here.
Where the disc was lost in the post, a replacement is free of charge, provided your application is received no earlier than ten (10) working days and no later than thirty (30) working days from the date of issue of the disc. Applications received outside these times will be liable to a fee of 6.
The EU Payments Service Directive2 (PSD2) requires Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) to be used for all electronic transactions. SCA is a European regulatory requirement to reduce fraud and make online payments more secure. The Online motor tax service, at www.motortax.ie, is fully compliant with the Directive's requirements.
To meet SCA requirements, you may be required to provide additional authentication to your bank of your transaction.This may involve having to download the latest version of your banking App and then following the prompts on the App, making sure to allow notifications, and that your phone number is correct. If you are having issues with your payment on our website, these problems can only be resolved by your Bank.
If you cannot complete the payment with your Visa/Debit card due to not having access to online/internet banking, you can post your motor tax renewal to your local motor tax office. This Department is unable accept any payments by telephone/ by Electronic Fund Transfer.
Motor tax email reminders are issued at the beginning of the month of tax expiry of your vehicle. If you have not received it, please check your Spam folder as your e-mail provider may have moved the e-mail to this folder.
Please remove the email address in the box and re-enter your email address in both boxes provided; do not choose a saved email address from drop-down menu. Please check that there are no spaces at end of email address, backspace to confirm.
If your email address appears in capital letters at Step 2, please click on Confirm and move on to next stage of transaction.
You can only apply for a motor tax refund at your local motor tax office. You will need to complete Form RF120, get it witnessed and stamped by a member of An Garda Siochána, and then send it to that office. You should contact them in advance to find out if any other supporting documentation is needed.
A minimum of 3 unexpired whole calendar months must be left on the disc when it is surrendered to the motor tax office.
Form RF120 is available at your local motor tax office or by clicking here.
Refunds are generally only given where a vehicle is scrapped (by an Authorised Treatment Facility only), stolen or exported. They are not given where a vehicle has been sold.
There are now two systems under which motor tax is calculated for passenger cars. Click here for further details.
Commercial vehicles taxed privately are always taxed on engine cc.
The following link gives the motor tax rates for a specific vehicle based on the current tax classification of the vehicle.
By Vehicle Registration Number
The link below allows you to view the motor tax rates for a vehicle's basis of assessment.
By Vehicle Basis of Assessment
For private vehicles first registered before the 1st January 2008, motor tax is calculated based on the engine size of the vehicle.
For details of private vehicles first registered (country of origin) between 1 January 2008 and 30 June 2008 click here
For private vehicles first registered in Ireland on or after the 1st July 2008, up to and including 31 December 2020, motor tax is calculated on the vehicles CO2 emission levels (NEDC value). Click here for the relevant rates applicable.
For private vehicles first registered on or after the 1st January 2021, motor tax is calculated on the vehicles CO2 emission levels (WLTP Value). Click here for the relevant rates applicable.
The New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) was originally designed to assess the emission levels of car engines and fuel economy in passenger cars. This has been replaced by the new Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Tests Procedure (WLTP).
For details of private vehicles first registered abroad (country of origin), and now imported into this country, click here
Private vehicles first registered (country of origin) between 1 January 2008 and 30 June 2008 initially had their motor tax charged on the basis of engine size. These vehicles were switched to the CO2 based motor tax system on next renewal (post 1 July 2008) where it was financially beneficial. This tax band stays with those vehicles until end of life even if motor tax rates change.
For private vehicles first registered (country of origin) before the 1st January 2008, and now imported into this country, motor tax is calculated based on the engine size of the vehicle.
For details of private vehicles first registered (country of origin) between 1 January 2008 and 30 June 2008 and now imported into this country click here
For private vehicles first registered on or after the 1st July 2008 (country of origin), and now imported into this country, motor tax is calculated on the vehicles CO2 emission levels. Where the vehicles NEDC value was made available at time of registration with the Revenue Commissioners, the vehicle will be taxed at the applicable rates attached here.
Where the WLTP value was made available at time of registration with the Revenue Commissioners, the vehicle will be taxed at the applicable rates attached here.
The New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) was originally designed to assess the emission levels of car engines and fuel economy in passenger cars. This has been replaced by the new Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Tests Procedure (WLTP).
Private vehicles registered in the first six months of 2008 (country of origin) and now imported into this country will be assigned the most financially beneficial motor tax rate on first taxing. This tax band stays with those vehicles until end of life even if motor tax rates change.
You are liable for motor tax when your vehicle is used in a public place. Motor tax discs are given for periods of three, six, or 12 whole calendar months.
If you do not intend to use the vehicle in a public place you must declare it off the road in advance.
For a second hand vehicle (taxed before), motor tax is charged from the beginning of the month of sale of the vehicle.
For a brand new/imported vehicle, motor tax is charged from the beginning of the month of registration.
For a second hand vehicle (taxed before), motor tax arrears (back tax) become due from the beginning of the month after sale. For a brand new/imported vehicle, motor tax arrears become due from the beginning of the month after registration.
Monthly arrears are charged at one tenth of the annual rate and are provided for by Section 6 of the Non-Use of Motor Vehicles Act 2013.
You can e-mail motortax@transport.gov.ie requesting all future correspondence for your current vehicle to be issued through the Irish language. The e-mail must contain your name, address and the vehicle registration number that you are requesting to receive the correspondence for. If you subsequently change vehicle you will need to make a new request for your new vehicle.